अलग करना
अलग करना
= SUNDERउदाहरण : लोहे और गंधक के मिश्रण से लोहे को अलग करना बहुत मुश्किल है।Usage : it is very difficult to sunder iron from the mixture of iron and sulphur.
अलग करना
= SEGREGATEउदाहरण : मुझे गंधक को अलग-अलग करना है।Usage : They segregated the seriously sick and sent them to the intensive care.
अलग करना
= SORT OUTUsage : This is a training ground to sort out the Regulars
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= DIVORCEUsage : But if they separate [by divorce], Allah will enrich each [of them] from His abundance. And ever is Allah Encompassing and Wise.
अलग करना
= WITHDRAWUsage : She decided to withdraw all her savings from the bank.
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= TAKE OFFUsage : take that weight off me!
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= SEPARATEUsage : prabhavati could never overcome this feeling of remorse that she was separated from bapu for one day.
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= DISCONNECTउदाहरण : मैं खुद को उसके प्रभाव से अलग करना चाहता हूँ।Usage : if you dont pay your bills theyll disconnect the supply of electricity.
अलग करना
= DIFFERENTIATEUsage : He differentiated things, hence he is very rich.
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= PARTUsage : i took part in the chess competition.
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= DECOUPLEUsage : you must dissociate these two events!
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= DISENTANGLEUsage : Can you disentangle the cord?
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= DISENGAGEUsage : i want to disengage myself from his influence.
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= QUARANTINEउदाहरण : राजा नें सम्पति को बलपूर्वक अलग कर दिया.Usage : the animals are quarantined before they are allowed to enter a foreign nation.
अलग करना
= REMOVEUsage : just one remove from madness
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= WEANUsage : she weaned her baby when he was 3 months old and started him on powdered milk
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= SEQUESTERUsage : The estate was sequestered by the king using force.
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= DISTINGUISHUsage : we distinguish several kinds of maple
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= CUTUsage : everyone got a cut of the earnings
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= STRIPPINGउदाहरण : पाकिस्तान कश्मीर को भारत से अलग करना चाहता है इसलिए वो भारत में आतंकवाद फैलाता है|Usage : The technician focused on the stripping process to improve the lubricant's performance.
अलग करना
= DISSOCIATEUsage : She tried to dissociate herself from her past.
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= UNTACKUsage : He decided to untack the posters from the wall.
अलग करना
= DISASSOCIATEUsage : She disassociated herself from the organization when she found out the identity of the president
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= DISCONECTUsage : the company decided to disconnect from social media platforms to focus on their core business.
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= PARTITION OFFUsage : The company decided to partition off a section of their office for private meetings.
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= RULE OUTUsage : John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi
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= UNCOUPLEUsage : I need to uncouple the sulfur compounds.
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= SEQUESTRATEUsage : He sequestrated the things that is why he is very rich.
अलग करना
= DIVIDEUsage : divide the cake into three equal partscan you divide 49 by seven?
अलग करना
= DISASSEMBLEUsage : The customs officer disassembled the goods for a thorough check.
अलग करना
= ABSTRACTUsage : The professor asked us to write an abstract for our research paper.
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= UNBOLTUsage : please unbolt the door quickly.
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= DISJOINTUsage : understanding is not disjoint from emotion.
अलग करना
= DISJOINUsage : The political party decided to disjoin ties with its former ally.
अलग करना
= DISCARDUsage : Syringes should be discarded after use.
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= UNBLOCKUsage : the procedure unblocked his arteries
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= SUPERSEDEUsage : he was superseded by his junior.
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= PARTITIONUsage : your local partitions and devices
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= DISTANCEUsage : I could see it in the distance
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= RELINQUISHUsage : You should relinquish a bad habit.She relinquished possession of the house to her sister.
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= RESERVEUsage : We need to reserve a table for dinner tonight.
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= SECLUDEUsage : Widows were secluded in ancient period.
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= DISARTICULATEUsage : the detective was able to disarticulate the skeleton in order to study the bones.
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= SPLIT OFFUsage : The king forcibly split off the property.
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= PRECLUDEUsage : Those, who take bribe, should be precluded from their jobs.